Public Accreditations

We conduct Virtual Classroom Courses and Physical Open Courses around Australia. As courses often sell out before the closing date, it is best to register as early as possible to ensure you secure the dates that suit you. Early Bird and multiple registration discounts apply. Click here to send us an automated email (no message required) and you will immediately receive via automated response, an information PDF brochure about the DISC training courses, outlining the inclusions and cost.

Physical Open Courses are conducted over two intensive full days.

Virtual Classroom Courses are comprised of 9 x 75-minute sessions, two per day (1 morning & 1 afternoon) over four consecutive days and a final session a few days later. These sessions are live interactive virtual classrooms, with the same content as the physical open courses. They are not webinars. Click here to send us an automated email (no message required) and you will immediately receive via automated response, an information PDF brochure about the DISC training courses, outlining the inclusions and cost.

TIP: Virtual courses having been filling more than a month in advance, so if this is your preference, get in quick.

Accreditation Course Dates

Following are the current scheduled course dates. Sometimes extra courses are added due to demand so if there isn’t a date that suits you, contact us anyway and we’ll put you on a wait list for added courses.

Virtual Classroom Sydney Melbourne
4th–7th March Sorry, Full 13th–14th February Sorry, Full 6th–7th February Sorry, Full
7th–10th May Sorry, Full 30th April–1st May Sorry, Full 23rd–24th April Sorry, Full
11h–14th June Sorry, Full 23rd–24th July Sorry, Full 16th–17th July Sorry, Full
29th July–1st August 2024 15th–16th October 2024 8th–9th October 2024
9th–13th September 2024 10th–11th December 2024 10th–11th December 2024
Brisbane Adelaide Perth
14th–15th May Sorry, Full 16th–17th April Sorry, Full 14th–15th March Sorry, Full
20th–21st August 2024 8th–9th October 2024 20th–21st June Sorry, Full
26th–27th November 2024 10th–11th December 2024 24th–25th October 2024
Register now for DISC Accreditation Training - No payment required!

Register Online for DISC Accreditation

Please note – No upfront payment required – We will email you an invoice later.

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